Docker image

Get Docker

The first step is to download and install Docker on your platform. Refer to the following Docker documentation and choose the best installation path for you: Get Docker

Build the Image

VulnerableCode is distributed with Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml files required for the creation of the Docker image.

Clone the git VulnerableCode repo, create an environment file, and build the Docker image:

git clone && cd vulnerablecode
make envfile
docker-compose build


The image will need to be re-built when the VulnerableCode app source code is modified or updated via docker-compose build --no-cache vulnerablecode

Run the Image

Run your image as a container

docker-compose up

At this point, the VulnerableCode app should be running at port 8000 on your Docker host. Go to http://localhost:8000/ on a web browser to access the web UI. Optionally, you can set NGINX_PORT environment variable in your shell or in the .env file to run on a different port than 8000.


To access a dockerized VulnerableCode app from a remote location, the ALLOWED_HOSTS setting need to be provided in your docker.env file:,

Refer to Django ALLOWED_HOSTS settings for documentation.


Serving VulnerableCode on a network could lead to security issues and there are several steps that may be needed to secure such a deployment. Currently, this is not recommendend.

Invoke the importers

Connect to the Docker container bash. From here you can access and run management commands to import data as specified in the Data import section and run commands for the importers from there

For example:

docker-compose exec vulnerablecode bash
./ import --list